This page shows the latest data (2020/21) for the current level of 16-18 study and their intended destinations. We only consider sustained destinations, which is participation for at least 6 months. Level 2 qualifications are equivalent to GCSE grades 9-4 or grades A*-C. Level 3 qualifcations are equivalent to A/AS-Level.
Headline statistics showing the total number of people completing 16-18 study at each level.
Total completing 16-18 studies
Total at Level 3
Total at Level 2
Total other qualification
Local Authority
Total number of students completing 16-18 studies by Local Authority
Percentage of pupils by destination type (only includes sustained destinations)
The two figures below show pupils completing 16-18 study, as a percentage (left) and raw numbers (right). Seeing this data as a percentage is useful when one place has many more people than another (e.g. Leeds).
Percentage of pupils by qualification type
Number of pupils by qualifcation type
Student Characteristics
Different student characterstic splits in a range of destination types.
FE destinations for different student characteristics